
Manuscript ID:CoAS_V2IS3_01
From Farm to Fork: Improving Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Transport to Minimize Losses
Nimisha Balkrishna Palkar, Ruchika Zalpouri*, Monika Sharma, Muskan Bhardwaj, Sumit Bhausaheb Urhe and Guru P N
Fruits and vegetables are essential for human health, providing vital nutrients and phytochemicals. However, significant losses occur during transportation, particularly in countries like India, which is the second-largest producer but faces 25-30% losses due to transport and storage inefficiencies. Globally, about one-third of food products are lost annually, costing $8.3 billion and affecting food security. The Farm to Fork Strategy seeks to improve the sustainability and efficiency of the food supply chain. This article reviews current transportation methods and challenges, highlighting advancements in refrigeration and packaging, and the integration of RFID technology to enhance traceability and reduce post- harvest losses. Effective implementation can improve the quality and shelf life of produce, benefiting both producers and consumers.
Cold chain; Fruits; Food security; RFID; Transportation; Vegetables
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  • Published online
  • 22nd Aug, 2024
How to Cite the Article
Palkar NB, Zalpouri R, Sharma M, Bhardwaj M, Urhe SB and Guru PN. From Farm to Fork: Improving Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Transport to Minimize Losses. Chron Aquat Sci. 2024; 2(3): 1-7
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From Farm to Fork: Improving Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Transport to Minimize Losses

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