A Comprehensive Review of Fishing Craft Technology's Realistic Fish Behavior

Manuscript ID: CoAS_V2IS2_04
A Comprehensive Review of Fishing Craft Technology's Realistic Fish Behavior
Md Ibran Ansari, Sadeeda Praveen K* and Haritha M A
Understanding fish behavior is critical to enhancing fishing craft technology. This is an informative review of the use of real-life fish behavior in modern fishing establishments, especially concerning issues of enhanced performance and progress towards responsible fishing and wildlife species protection. Here, we provide a brief overview of the biological and ecological aspects of fish behavior, followed by a discussion on high-tech fishing crafts that mimic or align with fish behavior. The review also addresses the effects of such technologies on both the fishing industry and the aquatic environment. Expounding the possibilities of future development within the given subject area based on available literature and critical evaluation of new technologies, this paper emphasizes the need for the integration of biological understanding and technological support for enhanced fishing rates and sustainable fishing. Characteristics of fish behaviour in the context of fishing practices increase the volume of production and the sustainability of fishing and fish stocks. This extensive literature review will provide valuable insights for future research and development of fish behavior-related fishing methods.
Fish Behavior, Fishing Craft, Challenges, Fishing Knowledge
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  • Published online
  • 30th July, 2024
How to Cite the Article
Ansari MI, Sadeeda PK and Haritha MA. A Comprehensive Review of Fishing Craft Technology's Realistic Fish Behavior. Chron Aquat Sci. 2024; 2(2): 17-24
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A Comprehensive Review of Fishing Craft Technology's Realistic Fish Behavior

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