Biofilms: Friend or Foe? Unpacking the Ambiguity of Microbial Communities in Aquatic Systems

Manuscript ID: CoAS_V2IS1_01
Biofilms: Friend or Foe? Unpacking the Ambiguity of Microbial Communities in Aquatic Systems
Pronob Das*, Dharmendra Kumar Meena, Simanku Borah and Soibam Khogen Singh
Biofilms are a crucial component of aquatic ecosystems, playing a significant role in the environment by colonizing various surfaces such as sand, rocks, and leaves. They supply energy and organic matter to the food chain, recycle organic matter, and contribute to water quality. However, biofilms can also have detrimental effects, particularly in man-made environments such as water distribution systems, where they can cause bio-fouling and lead to decreased water quality and pipe blockages. Biofilm formation in aquatic ecosystems is influenced by several environmental factors, including temperature, salinity, water flow, and nutrient concentration. The composition of biofilm on microplastics (MPs) is particularly affected by organic content in the water, salinity, and dissolved oxygen content. While biofilms can have negative impacts, they also serve beneficial purposes in natural environments. For instance, biofilms play a vital role in biogeochemical cycles and are essential for the basic chemistry of Earth's surface. They are also used in the treatment of drinking water, wastewater, and detoxification of hazardous waste. In conclusion, biofilms have both beneficial and detrimental effects on our world, and understanding their impact is crucial for managing aquatic ecosystems and man-made environments. Further research is needed to advance our understanding of complex, environmental, real-world biofilms and their interactions with different microorganisms within marine biofilms. 
Aquatic environment, Aquaculture, Biofilm, Microbes, Microplastics
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  • Published online
  • 30th June, 2024
How to Cite the Article
Das P, Meena DK, Borah S and Singh SK. Biofilms: Friend or Foe? Unpacking the Ambiguity of Microbial Communities in Aquatic Systems. Chron Aquat Sci. 2024; 2(1): 1-8 
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Biofilms: Friend or Foe? Unpacking the Ambiguity of Microbial Communities in Aquatic Systems

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