Overview of Sustainable Fishing Practices in Selected Creeks from Raigad District: A Systematic Literature Review

Manuscript ID: CoAS_V2IS1_03
Overview of Sustainable Fishing Practices in Selected Creeks from Raigad District: A Systematic Literature Review
Deepali V. Bhadvankar*, Pradip N. Chogale and Surekha M. Gupta
This paper offers a comprehensive overview of sustainable fishing practices in selected creeks of Raigad District, namely Karanja, Rewas, Revdanda, and Rajpuri Creek. Understanding and implementing sustainable fishing methods are imperative in light of escalating global concerns regarding declining fish stocks and environmental degradation. Drawing on a blend of literature reviews encompassing fisheries data and the cultural dynamics of the local fishing community, this study identifies pivotal factors shaping the sustainability of fishing practices in the region. These factors encompass community engagement, regulatory frameworks, technological advancements, and cultural considerations. Through an evaluation of fishing activities' socio-economic and ecological ramifications, the paper elucidates the challenges and opportunities for advancing sustainability in Raigad District's creek fisheries. Moreover, it delves into the significance of amalgamating traditional wisdom with contemporary approaches to bolster the resilience of indigenous fishing communities and safeguard marine ecosystems. This research offers invaluable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners working towards sustainable fisheries management in coastal areas similar to the Raigad District. 
Sustainable fishing practices; Raigad District; Community engagement; Regulatory frameworks; fishing community
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  • Published online
  • 30th June, 2024
How to Cite the Article
Bhadvankar DV, Chogale PN and Gupta SM. Overview of Sustainable Fishing Practices in Selected Creeks from Raigad District: A Systematic Literature Review. Chron Aquat Sci. 2024; 2(1):19-25
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