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Application of Antibiotics in Aquaculture: Effects on Aquatic Life and Human Health
 Ishwar Chandra*, Durgesh Kumar Verma, Narendra Kumar Maurya, Ajay Kumar Verma and Rajesh Jaiswal
The rapid expansion of aquaculture has resulted in several developments that are harmful to human and aquatic animal health, as well as the environment. People use various prophylactic antibiotics indiscriminately in aquaculture, primarily in developing countries, to prevent various bacterial infections caused by sanitary flaws in fish and shellfish farming. Furthermore, the use of a wide range of non-biodegradable human antibiotics remains in the aquatic environment. It directly causes antibiotic-resistant bacteria to develop, and transferable resistance genes can be transferred to diseasecausing bacteria, resulting in antibiotic-resistant infections in humans, fish, and other aquatic animals. The more antibiotics that are used, the more likely it is that antibiotic-resistant bacteria will win the battle for the survival of the fittest at the bacterial level. The presence of antibiotic compounds in terrestrial and aquatic environments is of greater interest worldwide due to their emergence as dangerous pollutants for the environment and human health.
Aquaculture, Antibiotics, Antibiotic Resistance and Aquatic Animal Health
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  • Published online
  • 30th July, 2023
How to Cite the Article
Chandra et al., (2023) Application of Antibiotics in Aquaculture: Effects on Aquatic Life and Human Health. Chronicle of Aquatic Science 1(2):1-7
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